On behalf of your colleagues, we welcome you to Jetex Global Solutions and wish you every success here.
At JETEX, we believe that each employee contributes directly to the growth and success of the company, and we hope you will take pride in being a member of our team.
This handbook was developed to describe some of the expectations of our staff and to outline some of the policies and procedures. Staff should become familiar with the contents of the Staff handbook as soon as possible, for it will answer many questions about employment with Jetex Global Solutions.
We believe that professional relationships are easier when all information is communicated and staff are aware of the values of the organization. This guide will help you understand the expectations and procedures of Jetex. We hope that your experience here will be challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding.
Again, welcome!
Wybenn Clark S. Capin
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Dennis Lacson Ledesma
Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
Ireene Capulong
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
About us
Since our establishment in 2017,we have been evolving and growing our team, offering a wide range of services to support businesses across the globe. We take pride in our diversified skill set, strong communication, and commitment to delivering exceptional results. Today, we are excited to present our comprehensive suite of services that can elevate your business to new heights.
Our Team
At JETEX GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, we have assembled a dynamic and versatile team with expertise in various domains. We understand the unique requirements of each client and tailor our services to match every client’s needs.
Our Services
Digital Account
Elevate online presence with our digital marketing expertise. We craft strategies to boost brand's visibility, engage audiences on social media, create captivating video content, design eye-catching graphics,and develop travel-focused content. Our services are tailored to enhance online impact.
From technical support in areas such as home networking and ISP troubleshooting to marketing services like SEO, lead generation, and trend analysis, our team ensures customers have a reliable and satisfying experience. We also offer quality assurance with expertise in process improvement.
Customer Service Account
Trust us to manage customer interactions effectively. From setting appointments and project management to providing virtual assistant support and designing compelling brochures and catalogues, we ensure customers receive seamless, professional assistance at every touch point.
Billing Account
We take care of financial processes, including accounts receivable management, inventory control, and bookkeeping services. Our experienced team ensures financial records are accurate and business operates smoothly in the realm of finances.
Jetex Global Solutions / Mission & Vision Statement
To be a global leader in outsourcing solutions, pioneering innovation and setting new standards in service excellence. We envision a world where businesses of all sizes can achieve their full potential, empowered by our comprehensive and adaptable outsourcing services.
Mission Statement:
At JETEX GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, our mission is to provide transformative outsourcing solutions that enable businesses to thrive. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality, customized services in digital, customer service, call center, and billing domains. Our goal is to help clients achieve operational excellence, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost profitability. With a team of skilled professionals, we are committed to making our clients' success our mission.
Our Core Values
At JETEX GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, our values are rooted in our unwavering commitment to our clients. We prioritize integrity, transparency, and innovation, ensuring our services are of the highest quality. Our diverse team thrives on collaboration and accountability, consistently seeking opportunities for growth and learning. We believe in giving back to our community and operating sustainably to create a better future for all.
Our Core Values
At JETEX GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, our values are rooted in our unwavering commitment to our clients. We prioritize integrity, transparency, and innovation, ensuring our services are of the highest quality. Our diverse team thrives on collaboration and accountability, consistently seeking opportunities for growth and learning. We believe in giving back to our community and operating sustainably to create a better future for all.
Normal Regular Work Days
 The normal regular work days shall be from Mondays to Saturdays.
Hours Worked
 Hours worked shall include all time during which an employee is required to be on duty or to be at a prescribed workplace and all the time during which an employee is offered or permitted to work.
Normal Hours of Work and Meal Period
 The normal hours of work of any personnel is nine (9) hours a day. There shall be a sixty (60) minute or one hour time- off from work for regular meals per workday. The normal hours of work per week shall be forty (40) hours, i. e.,
8 hours per day multiplied by 5 work days.
 Normal office hours depend on the accounts and clients prerogative.
The workday comprises the time between the earliest start of work and the latest thereof and the total number of hours is called the bandwidth. The company adopts a uniform bandwidth which is nine (9) hours per day.
Only with Senior Management approval can an exception be made to the above.
Lunch Break
 The Company shall give all employees a sixty (60) minute time-off for lunch. It can be taken within the time period of 12 pm (earliest lunch time-off) to 2 pm (based on support time zone) end of break time.
 The Company may require a work schedule under which the employee’s lunch breaks are staggered to ensure continuous operation provided that the employees are not deprived of their lunch break.
 The lunch break will not form part of the normal hours worked by a personnel. It should be explicitly reflected in the time sheet.
 The Management reserves the right to adopt and implement a schedule regarding lunch breaks. This schedule is subject to periodic adjustments where the need arises.
 Non-project personnel should take rounds in staying in the office premises during lunch break. Each day, one non-project personnel may be required to adjust his lunch break and be the one to stay in the office premises should everyone leave from the office premises during lunch break.
 One rest period or break running not more than fifteen (15) minutes in the afternoon(based on support time zone), shall be considered as part of the paid hours worked by the employee and not as time-off. It shall not be reflected in the time sheet.
Dinner Break
 For work beyond 8 hours in a day, should there be additional work performed of at least four (4) hours, dinner break of thirty (30) minutes shall be given to the employees concerned. It shall not be reflected in the time sheet.
No other forms of breaks shall be allowed aside from those herein provided.
 Need for pre-authorization depends on a per project basis.
Requests for overtime work should be made within normal office hours, except when the situation does not warrant the same.
Considered approved are when instances where reply was not sent before the start of overtime work due to unavailability of approving authority to send his reply immediately
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